by Donna Syed | Truthfairy Guide | Mar 29, 2016 | Start Here
And, this dream is deeply rooted in my soul. I have a dream that one day women will be able to rely upon one another as witnesses to their value, their honor, and their validity. I have a dream that women choose to seek out and offer one another uplifting, helping...
by Donna Syed | Truthfairy Guide | Mar 18, 2016 | Dear Truthfairy, Truthfairy Project, Women Elevate
By now, a lot of women know about the work I do. Some see me as a poignant, thoughtful writer while others who have spent time with me have a hard time describing what I do in less than a paragraph short-answer. Some have called me The Truthfairy, but I call myself a...
by Donna Syed | Truthfairy Guide | Mar 17, 2016 | Dear Truthfairy, Open Letters, Truthfairy Project, Women Elevate
Dear Entitled, Gossipy, Snooty, Angry, Mean Women, Your dismissive tone and your entitled attitude tempt me to let you know you’re not fooling anyone–we all already know you’re not any better than the rest of us and that no amount of posturing is...
by Donna Syed | Truthfairy Guide | Dec 4, 2015 | Dear Truthfairy, Truthfairy Project
“My story might be your medicine, and your story might be mine.” And that’s a Truth I keep in my Permanent File. This morning, I was chatting on Facebook with a woman whom I have only recently met out here in the ether-sphere (a professional dynamo...